
TOP IN PORTFOLIO CENTER Top Art & Design Portfolio Development
College/Scholarship Application MentoringProfessional Career & Life Coaching

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2021 Early Decision Deadlines

What you need to know about TOP IN PORTFOLIO

TOP IN PORTFOLIO CENTER works on students' development of professional art and design portfolio for undergraduate and graduate application, creates tactics and strategies for top scholarship opportunities based on students' strengths, taps on their application package design with advisement on writing techniques and graphic design, and assists in students' long-term career development through ICF life coaching efforts based on positive one-on-on student relationship. With years of teaching and coaching experiences, TOP IN PORTFOLIO CENTER has witnessed various sucesss stories among our students.

Our students have been accepted to the following top art & design programs with Scholarship offers:

Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Pratt Institute
California College of the Arts
Stanford University
New York University
The New School
The Savannah College of Art and Design
School of Visual Arts
Ringling College of Art and Design
Maryland Institute College of Art

University of Florida


Application Strategies

In strategic planning, we analyze the student's strengths and weaknesses based on previous experience and career interest, and help form a concrete academic plan prior to portfolio development. Parent opinions are respected but not required. With the academic plan, we'll create a tentative timeline with teaching contents and suggested portfolio sections enlisted.


Portfolio Development

The following teaching contents are offered at TOP IN PORTFOLIO CENTER to students applying to art schools: traditional drawing, advanced and figure drawing, traditional illustration, creative art, digital art, digital illustration, graphic design, video production, 3D rendering, website design, etc.. Our students typically go to those programs: studio art, animation, illustration, graphic design, fashion design, video production, and others.


Application Display: Writing & Designing

When preparing for the student's application packages, creative writing is taught to improve the student's essay and/or artist statement, and other related document (recommendation letters, resume, assignments, etc.) write-up.

Graphic design, website design, video and audio production are often needed in the overall display of the student's portfolio contents. We teach and help our students develop such skills on a short-term project-based learning plan.

Life Coaching for Career Development

TOP IN PORTFOLIO CENTER offers ICF-certified life coaching practicums to work on students' academic wellness. We help students make progress to attain greater fulfillment in day-to-day lives. We help students recognize their unique skills and strengths, clarify their goals, identify the obstacles, and come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle. College application can be a very stressful process for a family. By helping our students to make the most of their strengths, we provide the support the family needs to achieve long-lasting positive change. We typically work with students in these areas: time management and planning, emotional management, stress & anger management, positive thinking, irritability, inability to break bad habits, sense of blocked creativity, lack of fulfillment in your social life, etc..


Art & Design College Portfolio & Application Timeline

We recommend a minimum of one year in college application preparation prior to Early Decision deadlines (usually in November and December). Student's timeline is different based on the academic programs and majors they're applying for, and their previous art & design learning experience. For example, animation programs typically require more figure-drawing and character-design artwork than other majors. Students who have taken more than three years of art extracurricular lessons may be more proficient than students with no drawing skills, and thus take shorter time. Please contact us for the initial consultation session.

Early Consultation

Parnet(s) or student meet with us online for a 20-min consultation session for questions.

Best two years prior to application

Early Consultation

Parnet(s) or student meet with us online for a 20-min consultation session for questions.

Best two years prior to application

Strategic Planning

We analyze the student's strengths and weaknesses based on previous experience and career interest, and help form a concrete academic plan prior to portfolio development. Parent opinions are respected but not required. With the academic plan, we'll create a tentative timeline with teaching contents and suggested portfolio sections enlisted.

Minimum one year before ED deadline

Strategic Planning

We analyze the student's strengths and weaknesses based on previous experience and career interest, and help form a concrete academic plan prior to portfolio development. Parent opinions are respected but not required. With the academic plan, we'll create a tentative timeline with teaching contents and suggested portfolio sections enlisted.

Minimum one year before ED deadline

Career & Life Coaching

We help students make progress to attain greater fulfillment in day-to-day lives. We help students recognize their unique skills and strengths, clarify their goals, identify the obstacles, and come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle. College application can be a very stressful process for a family. By helping our students to make the most of their strengths, we provide the support the family needs to achieve long-lasting positive change. We typically work with students in these areas: time management and planning, emotional management, stress & anger management, positive thinking, irritability, inability to break bad habits, sense of blocked creativity, lack of fulfillment in your social life, etc..

Available upon request

Career & Life Coaching

We help students make progress to attain greater fulfillment in day-to-day lives. We help students recognize their unique skills and strengths, clarify their goals, identify the obstacles, and come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle. College application can be a very stressful process for a family. By helping our students to make the most of their strengths, we provide the support the family needs to achieve long-lasting positive change. We typically work with students in these areas: time management and planning, emotional management, stress & anger management, positive thinking, irritability, inability to break bad habits, sense of blocked creativity, lack of fulfillment in your social life, etc..

Available upon request

Portfolio Development through Teaching

The following teaching contents are offered at TOP IN PORTFOLIO CENTER to students applying to art schools: traditional drawing, advanced and figure drawing, traditional illustration, creative art, digital art, digital illustration, graphic design, video production, website design, etc.. Our students typically go to those programs: studio art, animation, illustration, graphic design, video production, and others.

Minimum One Year

Portfolio Development through Teaching

The following teaching contents are offered at TOP IN PORTFOLIO CENTER to students applying to art schools: traditional drawing, advanced and figure drawing, traditional illustration, creative art, digital art, digital illustration, graphic design, video production, website design, etc.. Our students typically go to those programs: studio art, animation, illustration, graphic design, video production, and others.

Minimum One Year

Creative Writing

Creative writing is taught to improve the student's essay and/or artist statement, and other related document (recommendation letters, resume, assignments, etc.) write-up.

Minimum Half Year before ED

Creative Writing

Creative writing is taught to improve the student's essay and/or artist statement, and other related document (recommendation letters, resume, assignments, etc.) write-up.

Minimum Half Year before ED

Application Package Display Review

Graphic design, website design, video and audio production are often needed in the overall display of the student's portfolio contents. We teach and help our students develop such skills on a short-term project-based learning plan.

Typically from August

Application Package Display Review

Graphic design, website design, video and audio production are often needed in the overall display of the student's portfolio contents. We teach and help our students develop such skills on a short-term project-based learning plan.

Typically from August

Final Application Touchup

Final work-through and alignment on Common App.

Typicall October

Final Application Touchup

Final work-through and alignment on Common App.

Typicall October

Selected Students Portfolios

Our students have demonstrated national top level artistic and design skills in their portfolios, and have been accepted by the top art programs in USA.

Online Mentoring & Coaching

We offer all the above services to our students online through Zoom Classroom. Please contact us for more information.

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